Homemade Bug Repellent


Every couple of weeks we need to replenish the organic bug repellent. Here’s the recipe…super easy!

Fill container (about 4oz. Flaxseed Oil). Add 20 drops each of essential oils:

  • Lemon Eucalyptus
  • Peppermint
  • Lavender

    Shake well. Apply every couple of hours. Good stuff!

    Happy Homesteading,



Yesterday at this time we got zapped by the famous Florida lightning! (Not the hockey team.) It hit two of the tallest sand pine trees, forking to the ground, blowing out one of the TVs, frying one of the modems, a lightpost, and cracking one post of the Tilly garden gate in half. That was scary and the closest we’ve ever been in twenty+ years…Citrus county may not get as many hurricanes, but you’re not safe from lightning anywhere in Florida! (The weather or the hockey team!)




a Fairhaven Learning Project