The Tea Garden Project which we started in 2016 continues with a new Tea Pavilion. We painted a tarp cover and Seth built a table for the space. It’s Lily’s favorite spot to take Fluffy and Peanut, the two bunnies, to play.
It’s that time of year again. The Hibiscus have begun to bloom and we are starting the bloom harvest for making Sorrel. This year we planted the bushes next to the house. They began to bloom much earlier than last year. The plants are quite small and are full of flowers and buds. Oh and this year we are drinking the Sorrel as hot tisane as well…very nice.
Sorrel Hibiscus as foundation plantings
Sorrel Blooms are here…2016
Planted the Hibiscus in front of the house this year.
Sorrel Hibiscus in front of house 2016. Are they protected from the wind this year? Maybe they won’t break at the base.
Sorrel has helped us both to lower our blood pressure. This is where I’m supposed to add the disclaimer that you should consult your doctor before trusting any herb to make you feel better, or something like that. But I have a hard time with that because the sorrel tea that you get from this hibiscus variety is the same one that comes in the tea bags that Celestial Seasons sells in the little red box- Red Zinger! Go figure.
Turns out Hibiscus snaps very easily in a good wind. We’ve lost several large branches from the Hibiscus grove. Thank goodness we are not depending upon our crop yet for our supply of Sorrel.
Beehive in the background
Hibiscus blossom
The Bravo Market in Ocala sells the Hibiscus blossoms, quite inexpensively. Check out the recipe for Sorrel…