I think we finally have a handle on this year’s crop of strawberries. Notice I say this year’s because after these are finished, we will start again with something else and save the space for strawberries every second or third year…crop rotation very important. Can’t figure out how we’re going to rotate the electric fence!
Starting Strawberries Sept 2016 – We had Festival last year, but got very poor yield and the berries that don’t ripen to the top. Can you picture it?
Strawberries Oct 2016 -The order got mixed up and they were delivered a month early! None of those plants grew after being stored in the fridge for a month. Strawberries – 3rd Time’s a Charm – Third batch had no leaves, but they were Sweet Charlies so should be okay. Nothing. It Worked Strawberries Nov 2016 – finally we got strawberries. We figure they cost about a dollar a piece…
We finally got the Sweet Charlies to grow, but it has been slow going since Nov 2016, the last 3 months.
At least now our plants are starting to look much healthier and to put out flowers and fruit.
So what’s the issue now? Nice big strawberries with huge bites taken out of them! Rabbits? Yes, or squirrels…
Using the extra rabbit height electric fence we had left from the West Veggie Garden, we enclosed the strawberry rows and hooked up to the Hilltop Pasture fence for power.
Third time turned out to be a charm for our strawberry crop. (see original post) , (post 2!), and (post 3!!) The berries are finally starting to grow and we even have a flower!
Three rows of Strawberries looking North. First Time…Three rows of Strawberries looking south
Preparing for Strawberries Fall 2016 – Second Time…