1 c. carrots or sweet potatoes
apple juice
grape juice
black cherry concentrate
2 tsp lemon juice
Mix together. Pour into popsicle molds. Freeze until hard.
1 c. carrots or sweet potatoes
apple juice
grape juice
black cherry concentrate
2 tsp lemon juice
Mix together. Pour into popsicle molds. Freeze until hard.
1 c. coconut oil (coconut oil is a solid below 75 degrees F)
3/4 – 1 c Basil
Himalayan Sea Salt to taste
Mix together. Pour into small glass container. Cover and refrigerate. Stir after oil begins to thicken to distribute basil. Keeps in the fridge up to a month. This butter is good on anything that you would use regular butter on. The coconut oil is good for you and there are no saturated fats.