Tag Archives: snapshot

Fall 2016 Garden Started



We have Asian Beans.  They flowered so early because it’s just too hot!img_4499



The Tomatoes are in.img_4503

We have two kinds of spinach growing.  There are cukes planted.  img_4502The lasagna garden in sown with Buttercrunch lettuce and kale.  The parsley has been growing well (see it behind the lasagna bed).  This  bed is in the shade.

The Contender beans are in, but it may be too hot still for them to be happy!

End of Sept!! The summer cover crops are have come and almost all gone with the summer heat. We have harvested about 5 lbs of cowpeas, which now need to be shelled. Read about the community project invitation that went out to the public school…a Youth Voice Project.

Happy Homesteading,


blog post


Snack Time at Bent Pine Farm

Around 4 PM we collect the eggs and give snacks to the livestock. They always greet us happily and are excited to get their afternoon snack. The geese wait patiently at the gate from about 3:30. (How do they know what time it is?) When they see us coming they head back to the pen to be ready at the feed trough. The goats come running from the far end of the pasture. The chickens gather round and everyone “accompanies” us to the Cricken Choop where the feed is stored.

Happy homesteading,
T.blog post