This update is a day later than I intended it to be- my apologies. However, there is a good reason for the delay, which you shall see in a moment. (Ooh suspense!)
Starting up right where I left off: I learned how to marble paper! An incredibly relaxing and simple process once you get the hang of it. After a few trials while figuring out the best color combinations, swirling styles, and how to not completely dye my hands, I successfully created several lovely designs. Although I am still cleaning yellow ink from under my nails, I had an awesome time!
That same afternoon brought a rainstorm. The downpour started very suddenly, and we had to interrupt our siestas to rush out and let Spike and Half back into the shelter of their pens! It is quite fascinating to see all the different ways the animals react to rain. Goats hate getting wet and seek cover at the first sign of precipitation. Damp chickens look miserable and distraught; they are quite an amusing sight! The rabbits are content in their covered cages; the threat of rain never bothers them. Geese have no qualms about a sudden drenching. In fact, I think they welcome it! Raindrops gathering, glistening on their pearl-white feathers, rolling off their backs, flowing down, then gracing the grass below webbed feet; A brief, but wonderful sight.
The next day was not nearly quite as wet. I got to help with grooming Puffy, the Angora rabbit! She had not been brushed recently because of the cold. So many tags… We managed to cut most larger clumps and tangles out of her hair, but we will have to go a couple more rounds before the job is finished. Angora fur is so soft! I can hardly wait to see how it is spun into wool.
Monday was also the day we decided it was time to separate Sadie and Emma (kid and mama goat). Since then, the nonstop soundtrack to my day has been Sadie crying herself hoarse. Even now as I write this, I can hear her through the open window behind me. She will slowly get used to being on her own. Although I will never get used to her heartbreaking sounds.
Moving on to yesterday and the reason I was delayed in updating: I spent most of the day editing a video I made to post with this blog! Time really does fly when you’re having fun. It’s a short snippet, as I didn’t have much material to work with yet and am still learning the basics of the editing program. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it!
Let us conclude with more assorted things I have learned: 1) Call ducks are wonderfully soft; 2) The Orpington chickens are escape artists/parkour amateurs [one of them even jumped on my back!] 3) Goats are fond of animal crackers. 4) White willow bark tea helps with headaches.
That is all for now, folks! Stay dry,
Sofi Grace c: