New Little Adventures


I am very excited to announce that early this morning Cow gave birth to healthy twin kids!! Two adorable black and white boys! This is the first time Bent Pine has had twins of the same gender. Sadly, there was a third kid, but he was stillborn; an unfortunately common occurrence with triplets. Cow is slightly frustrated about being confined to her pen for the next few days, but otherwise Mama and babies are doing well. It’s not like there is much for Cow to complain about; motherhood has upgraded her to the larger “deluxe suite,” or what used to be Sadie’s pen. Sorry, Sadie, but don’t fret! Now you have some new playmates! They are so tiny though – they make Sadie look big!

While I am on the subject of Sadie… she has adjusted so well! This weekend she started venturing out into the main yard and even spent most of yesterday exploring it all on her own. I might also add that everyone (even the animals) is quite relieved that Sadie no longer cries incessantly. They grow up so fast…

I am also happy to report that the kits and ducklings are doing well! One duckling was struggling a couple days ago. It was weak and having trouble of some sort, and we did not know if it would last long. Thankfully, it has been improving. Even if it’s not quite as strong as its siblings yet, it’s still a tough little fella!

New life is springing up everywhere these days. The “whimsical” sunflowers I helped plant about a week ago have finally begun to sprout! We planted them in various spots all over both farms; in front of the houses, among the gardens, behind Tiny Tilly. What a lovely sight they will be when Summer rolls around!

It looks like the cold weather is finally behind us, so I am preparing to sweat out the remainder of my stay.

I must go feed the animals now, so here are a few final thoughts: 1) You can’t tell the sex of a duck until it is grown; 2) There is another opossum under the house – oh joy; 3) Spike sneezed eight times in a row yesterday, probably a new record; 4) Kids are so CUTE!! [I could break my face from grinning and saying “aww” so much – help!]

Hopefully I can find time to make a video this week to show you all the new babies!

That’s all for today, folks! Bye for now!

Sofi Grace <3

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