Tag Archives: tales from the farm

Bent Pine Farm Year 5

Year 5 May 2018 – April 2019

Where has the time gone? We started Simply Fermenting classes with salsa and sauerkraut. Geese and ducks began free-ranging.

The pork project is off to a good start with construction of the “Oink Oven” and two pig roasts. I think we have the pig breeding under control and enough hogs to last a couple of seasons! Alex, the Elder Hog, continues to be patient and long suffering when waiting for his dinner! And Rachel is a sweetie Mom, taking in the strays with no question

The wash out on Husky left us almost inaccessible from Dunklin…a kind neighbor helped us out with his tractor. Thanks!!

We hatched fifty Red Star chicks and sold them all! And new to Blue Hen is the Tiny Tilly Tiny House…just the right size for a visitor! Who will it be?

In the orchard we have apples coming along, and bananas! We’ll be glad to have bananas of our own to avoid the ones from the store that are all GMO now-a-days!!

We hatched a flock of Call Ducks…they really do call whenever they see us come out of the house. What a racket! But they are friendly and personable.

Our Emma gave birth to twins. We found a great home for the boy, and will keep the girl. Welcome Sadie!

Year 5 – the adventure continues….

Happy Homesteading,
